This pregnancy has been such a whirlwind that I at times forget I'm pregnant - until, of course, I walk by a mirror. With logan - I just sat around and waited on him to arrive. I napped, ate Chick-fil-A (almost every meal), was waited on dearly by my husband and thought it was the longest period of my life. The big day seemed eternity away. BUT - with this pregnancy the time has flown by. It's hard to believe that I'm now 21 weeks - almost half way there. I guess chasing a 2 year old around can make it seem that way. I also think I rushed away 1st one because I was too impatient to hold that sweet little baby, but with this one - I want to enjoy every moment of being pregnant. Except of course the sickness and tiredness. It's such a blessing to be able to carry a child and feel it grow and move inside. We finally started to feel her kick a few weeks ago and each day it gets stronger and more frequent. Last night Logan wanted to sit on me and as soon as he did - she went crazy! Logan put his hand on my belly - but he couldn't keep it on there long enough to feel her kick. She already knows what's waiting for her on the outside;) Each night when we go to bed, Carl puts his hand on my belly and talks to her and she kicks and moves all around - it is the sweetest thing. We are so excited about having a baby girl in the house, it'll be nice not to be outnumbered by the boys!!
They say that cravings are just a myth and maybe they are - but when I think of something - I'm not content until I eat it. Sweets are always a favorite but before I would pick the cakes, brownies or anything chocolate, NOW - all I think of are pies, apple, peach or any fruit. Thank goodness for Harris Teeter - each shopping trip I pick up an Apple Pie;) It's divine!!! We are now the best customers of Chipotle - no more chick-fil-a!!! I've never been a big fan of mexican food, but fajita burritos w/ hot sauce are the BEST!!!!
We go to the Doctor next week and that means only 4 more visits until I start the weekly visits! It is getting so close and we haven't even picked a name or nursery! This time is going so quickly I wish I could freeze time!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Posted by the godmans at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Too Cute
This morning we were getting ready for school, and Logan was so stinkin cute - I had to show you! He looks like such a big boy - and if you call him a baby, he is quick to correct - No, I'm Big Boy!! I could eat him with a spoon!! He also had to have Hokey Pokey Elmo in the picture!!
Posted by the godmans at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tonight Carl and I are going to some friends for an oyster roast. This will be the FIRST time Logan has stayed with a babysitter - other than my parents or Carl's mom. I am a little nervous. Some of the parents got together and we have 3 sitters for 8 kids - Our friend Karen was nice enough to donate her house for the playland! Brave Soul!!!! Which would make it a little easier, but I think it makes me MORE nervous. Well - let me give you a background story so it makes sense. A while back we went to my friend Shelly's house for a playdate. As we were all eating lunch the kids were down playing. It was rather quiet - so I decided to go check on Logan - and couldn't find him anywhere. Finally his friend Caden told me - Logan outside - so I look in the backyard and there is Logan. The little monster opened the door and ran outside. No more than 15 minutes later I heard another door open and found Logan in the garage heading to the driveway. He was able to reach the door knobs and helped himself to check out the outside. Thankfully at our house, he can't reach the doors. This is why I'm a little nervous. I guess we'll have to make sure all doors and windows are locked before heading to the oyster roast and maybe we even need to put a tracker on Logan, b/c he's a mover;) Wish us Luck- that I don't call the house 15 times all night to check on my baby!!!!
Posted by the godmans at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's A Girl.....
We recently went for an ultrasound to see how our new little baby was doing. Well, after searching the Dr. said he was 90% sure it was a girl. Well, w/ our history of first ultrasounds, we decided to wait to make sure. On Monday I went for a more detailed ultrasound and they can now confirm 100% Definite - it's a GIRL!! We are so excited and Logan loves the idea of having a baby sister - or right now he does! The baby is growing and developing perfectly. We were able to see her fingers and toes, arms, legs, and even heart, brain and kidneys. It was absolutely amazing. She even yawned while we were watching - it was the absolute sweetest thing, and we can't wait to meet her!!!
Posted by the godmans at 7:11 PM 2 comments
This year Logan was a very scary Tiger. He roared and ran around all day. His preschool class had a party and they were all adorable. Then we went trick or treating with Haley. It was so much fun to see them - at first they were a little hesitant and then it was ON!! We were pulling them out of the candy bowls by the end. Logan's pumpkin was so full and heavy he could barely hold it properly!! He finally realized what candy is all about and whew - he loves it!!!
Posted by the godmans at 5:47 PM 0 comments
This year Logan loved pumpkins. By Halloween we had 5 different pumpkins throughout the house. Su-Su gave Logan a small pumpkin and he got another small one from his school Pumpkin Patch. Since they were so small we decided to paint them, which he LOVED!! Now all he wants to do is paint pumpkins. We carved 2 fun pumpkins this year, Carl wanted to do something big and Logan really wanted a pumpkin to look like mine. (I have a ceramic pumpkin on one end table, and he loves it. He kept looking at the face and told me - he wanted his pumpkin to have that face!!) So - Carl picked out a Spiderweb, but everytime Logan looked at it - he started singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider - and Logan got his face!! Our church also had a pumpkin carving for the kids. Well, if you know Logan - it was not a great idea to try and carve a pumpkin - with him running around with all his friends. That means another painted pumpkin for our house;) We had such a good time this Halloween, because Logan really got into the holiday. I realize each year with him just gets better and better!!!
Posted by the godmans at 5:01 PM 0 comments